For all API integrations, Safaricom recommends you have a Paybill or Till Number issued by Safaricom and you must settle (withdraw monies from the Till or Paybill number) to bank.
Assumption for this guide – You already have a Paybill or Till number from Safaricom.
- Login to MPESA Portal and create WEB Operator & API Operator
- Login to Daraja Portal and create a GOLIVE app
- Enter your your Consumer Key, Secret Key, Pass Key, Paybill or Till number under plugin settings
STEP 1 – Access MPESA Portal and Create Two Operators
a) Request Admin Access to MPESA Portal –
- Fill in the below MPESA Business Admin Activation Request Template with your company details, let all directors sign it, (in case of Sole Proprietorship, the single director will sign it), stamp it
MPESA Business Admin Account Activation Request Template –Word Format
Mpesa Business Admin Account Activation Request Tempate –PDF Format
- Make sure you attach copies of national ID or passport for all the directors who sign the letter
- Send the above documents to
b) Getting and Installing MPESA Certificate
Once you get the above admin login details to MPESA portal, you need to login to the MPESA portal and create two operators (API and Web). Before we can access the MPESA Portal, we need to install an MPESA Certificate. Please note that the certificate only works for Windows OS systems
- Send a blank email to
You will receive an email from Safaricom with Subject M-PESA Certificate Password [Automatic Response], which has the username and password you need to apply for the MPESA Certificate
- Open this url on Internet Explorer browser on your Windows OS computer – and enter the username and password provided on the email
- Click on the Settings icon, then select Compatibility View Settings
Next click on Settings Icon, Go to Internet Options, choose Advanced and scroll down to ensure your settings are shown as below
Next Click on Settings Icon, select Internet Options, then Select the Advanced tab, scroll down and ensure your settings are as shown below
- Click on *Apply* and then OK.
- Close and then open internet explorer to proceed smoothly without a hitch. Open the URL again and this time you will be prompted with the below dialog box, select on Yes
- Fill in the details exactly as they appear on your ID card, and on the Paybill or Till number forms that you sent to Safaricom. Your certificate application shall be denied if you fill incorrect or invalid details e.g. a single name, invalid email or incorrect organization name.
- After submitting, you’ll get a response saying your certificate is pending. You are supposed to return to the site – – after about 2 – 24 hours and check whether your certificate has been approved
- Click on Client Authentication Certificate to proceed
If the Certificate is issue, you will see a screen like below, click on Install this Certificate to proceed
- A Web Access confirmation warning will appear asking you to confirm the operation. Click on ‘yes’
- Click on “install this CA certificate’
- It will prompt you to open or save the file. Click on open.
- Once open, select ‘install certificate’
- A window will open as below. Click next.
- Click on ‘place all certificates in the following store‟ then select ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities
- Click on ‘next’
- Then finish the process
- You will then get a prompt asking you if you are sure you want to install the certificate. Click in “yes”
The certificate is now imported. Next Final Step is to install it…
Go back to the certificate request website and click on install the certificate as below
You will be directed to the page below.
You will be able to login to the M-PESA Portal site via the below URL;
- Visit the MPESA Portal url and login with the username and password you received from Safaricom after sending them the letter on Step 1 above. Note that Shortocode refers to either Paybill Number or Store number (use Store number if you have a Till Number